McKinney-Vento Homeless Information


Area 30 Career Center provides services to students and families experiencing homelessness in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act. The McKinney-Vento Act ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless students.

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless as: an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence. Any displaced child or youth who is residing temporarily with family or friends due to economic hardship or loss of housing; or is living in a shelter, motel or campgrounds; or is couch surfing.

McKinney-Vento Act Contacts

Area 30 District Liaison:
Madison Pershing, Director of Student Services
765-653-3515, ext 2105

IDOE State Coordinator:
Flora Jones, Director of Student Pathways & Opportunities
Charie Gibson, Homeless Education Specialist,
317-232-0957 -

Available Resources
Homeless students’ rights
IDOE’s McKinney-Vento: Homeless Children & Youth Program