Human and Social Services



Program Information - Year 1

High School Credits: 6 credits per year
Offered:  PM session only
Industry Certifications (National) Available: CPR Certification


Human and Social Services is an introductory/exploratory course for students interested in careers in human and community services and other helping professions. Areas of  exploration include family and social services, youth development, adult and elder care, and other for-profit and non-profit services. This project-based course will help students integrate higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes to conduct investigations in human and social services at the local, state, national, or global/world level. Research and development, interdisciplinary projects, and/or collaboration with postsecondary faculty, community agencies or organizations, or student  organizations are appropriate approaches. Students will be introduced to human and social services professions through presentations from a variety of guest speakers, job shadowing, field trips and introductory and exploratory field experiences. Service learning experiences are highly recommended. Achievement of applicable academic, and  employability competencies will be documented through a student portfolio.



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